
Windows essential tools#

In Windows 10 (and above) Microsoft added some usable support of Linux, e.g. bash and ssh

SSH client#

For a Windows PC there are several third party tools available.

Probably the best is PuTTY for accessing a server via ssh. The putty terminal however does not support graphics. Also there is a fork of Putty – [KiTTY]( KiTTY) with a lots of improvements.

Cygwin installs a linux-like environment on your PC. This includes linux commands such as “ssh” which it is necessary to use to connect to a linux server. Cygwin also includes an X11 server, this gives you a graphical user interface with terminal windows in which you can connect to the linux servers.

If You found Cygwin too clumsy for your desktop, you might have a look at VcXsrv or Xming (the latter became a paid “DonateWare” - for downloading the software you have to send them a £10 donation.)

Files transfer#

For access to files only (copy,move,delete) via SSH you might use WinSCP , Cyberduck or FileZilla

Remote GUI#

Remote connection to Linux graphical session is possible via x2Go See more details here

NFS client#

Is mostly useless for ordinary users as it’s not integrated into Windows desktop environment. However you can mount NFS shares from command line.

From Microsoft Answers

In order to activate the Client for NFS, go into the Control Panel, and go to “Programs and Features”. In the left hand column, you’ll see a link for “Turn Windows features on or off”.

Select that, and it will open a list box that shows all of the optional components built in to Windows 7. Some are already activated.
Find the one labeled “Services for NFS”. Click the “+” box to display the two sub-features, “Administrative Tools” and “Client for NFS”. Check all three boxes and then click “OK”.

Windows will install those components and ask to reboot your system. Once you have rebooted, Client for NFS will be installed.

To use it, go to Administrative Tools->Services for NFS to configure it. Alternatively, you can use the command line program ‘nfsadmin’ to configure.

Hope this helps!

If you have no “NFS Services” feature, installation of SUA SDK could help